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Does the deep processing of corn have a significant impact on the acquisition of malted wheat?

2023/7/10 11:46:10

The wheat harvest is still in full swing, and data shows that nearly 70% of the winter wheat harvest in China has been completed in Anhui, while over 90% in Henan, over half in Jiangsu, and over 20% in Shaanxi and Shandong.

And the weather will be better in the future, with the exception of some areas experiencing rainfall, most areas will have good weather, and the wheat harvest progress is likely to advance rapidly.

Corn's attention is constantly increasing.

And currently, corn has entered a period of "melee". On the one hand, it has reached the traditional era of green and yellow, but on the other hand, continuous pressure from all parties has also made the trend of corn uncertain.

Recently, a piece of news has even pushed corn to the forefront of the storm.

Due to the impact of rainfall, some areas have high levels of wheat moisture and more sprouted wheat, which has caused a lot of controversy about sprouted wheat. Generally speaking, there are two main destinations for malted wheat, one is an official acquisition, and the other is a feed enterprise.

And the authorities have successively issued notices and measures for the acquisition of malt wheat, and the enthusiasm of feed enterprises for the acquisition of malt wheat has also greatly increased. However, at this time, some corn deep processing enterprises in Northeast China have also joined the army of acquiring malt wheat. This has sparked a lot of speculation.

On the one hand, affected by the "rotten rain", there are many malted wheat this year, reportedly reaching tens of millions of tons. Apart from being stored in storage, the remaining majority will flow into the feed market, which has greatly impacted the demand for corn feed.

Although the storage time of malt is not long, so the impact rate is likely to be short, it still suffers from the market

On the other hand, corn deep processing has also begun to acquire malt, which means that malt has formed a cross disciplinary impact on corn. Not only the demand for feed, but also the demand for deep processing has begun to dominate, which is the fundamental reason for the market's uproar.

So, how much impact does malt have on corn?

From the perspective of actual substitution, the impact is limited.

The demand for corn is mainly divided into several parts, with feed demand accounting for nearly 70%, deep processing accounting for about 20-30%, and consumption and other needs accounting for about 6-7%.

In terms of feeding, malt is indeed cheap, and many feed companies have been increasingly enthusiastic about purchasing malt, which has led to a rise in the market for malt. But it is expected to be hot for a while. In the long run, the demand for corn in feed will correspondingly decrease, but it will not disappear, and malt wheat also needs to be added and used according to the toxin situation.

In terms of deep processing, the consumption of corn mainly includes Corn starch and starch sugar, alcohol, monosodium glutamate, etc., of which the consumption of Corn starch and starch sugar accounts for about 55%, and that of alcohol accounts for about 26%. At present, energy and alcohol enterprises, such as SDIC Tieling Energy, Jilin Ethanol fuel, Jilin New Tianlong, are the main buyers of corn for deep processing in Northeast China, so the overall proportion is limited, and it is not worth worrying about.

However, although the actual impact is limited, the emotional impact is significant.

Because with the end of soybean planting, the situation of land competition between corn and soybeans has temporarily eased, with fewer constraints. In addition, corn has entered a traditional period of green and yellow, which has brought opportunities to corn.

But on the other hand, Brazil, which had previously replaced wheat and malt with targeted rice, and later experienced a massive increase in production