Strategic Planning
Strategic Planning

Aim to list in stock market within three years, Inner Mongolia Jipai Biotechnology Co., Ltd. has made full use of the significant advantages of low raw material cost and production cost of water, electricity, steam, etc. In Inner Mongolia which is a corn raw material production base in Chinaadopted advanced technology and equipment at home and abroad to realize the deep processing and transformation of corn resources, solved the problem of local farmers selling grain, stabilized the agricultural industry,developed the local economy and promoted local employment. After the project was put into operation, the headquarters of Qingdao Jipai Holding Co., Ltd. which locates in Inner Mongolia Road No. 2, Qingdao,China has been positioned as the company's marketing headquarters and the old construction which was built by Japanese has been retained to build a MSG museum which will be opened to the society to show the history of MSG production in China. All production of Jipai MSG and other products has been carried out in the industrial parks in Inner Mongolia.

According to the above strategic planning, Qingdao Jipai Holding Co., Ltd. has quickly done the first round of financing after the first phase of production in 2023 with the  advantages of Chinese time-honored brands. The subsequent second and third rounds of financing will be conducted according to the overall needs, and the goal of listing on the main board of the domestic capital market will be realized in three years.