
Executive standard
Sensory traits
White or slightly yellowish amorphous powder. Not sweet or slightly sweet, no off-flavor
Quality Index
DE value≤35%; moisture≤6%, pH4.5~6.5
Product Features
1. Increase the viscosity and enhance the dispersibility of the product. 2. Control browning reaction: It can be used for microencapsulation of flavors, fragrances, medicines, etc. 3. The carrier and the coating film keep fresh. 4. Preparation of functional food: make the product volume expansion, not easy to agglomerate, instant, and good in preparation. 5. Lower freezing point: good viscosity, mild sweetness, refreshing mouthfeel and good taste. 6. Reduce sweetness, increase toughness, improve flavor and prolong shelf life. 7. Improve the structure and appearance of food, the product does not stick to the teeth, and the appearance is clear, smooth and full.
Packaging Specifications
25KG plastic woven bag, 25KG paper plastic bag, 1000KG ton bag packaging
Application field
Candy manufacturing, food and pastry industry, cold drink industry, instant noodle industry